
You will find here the deliverables of the STEM in Action project according to the different Intellectual Outputs (IOs) and with regard to Project Management (PM).

The file names of the IOs contain information about the number of the intellectual output, the number of the activity, the number of the partner and possibly the language in which the deliverable is available. In addition, a short text title provides a substantive hint as to what the file is about.

The partners have the following abbreviations:
P1 – TU- Tarsus University, TR (Coordinator)
P2 – UPB – Universität Paderborn, DE
P3 – PI- Pi Private Company, GR
P4 – SZ- Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, HR
P5 – KHV- Katholieke Hogeschool Vives Zuid, BE
P6 – UC- Universitatea din Craiova, RO
P7 – CIT- Cork Institute of Technology, IE

DE – German
EN- English
GR – Greek
RO – Romanian

Example file name with explanation:
O1-P1-TU – General information about the Project – EN
The file is about Intellectual Output 1 (O1), created by Partner P1 (Tarsus University) on the STEM in Action project with a General information about the Project in English language.

There are two IOs (Intellectual outputs) in the project STEM in Action.
The deliverables concerning these IOs you will find here soon:

PM – Files concerning Project Management


(a) Poster

(b) Flyer







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